Member spotlight: Laura Dent

Member Spotlights,

Meet Laura Dent, Director of Marketing and Public Outreach at the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission. Check out the spotlight below to learn about her current role, industry experience, and introduction to ACT. 

Please introduce yourself and your organization.
My name is Laura Dent, formerly known as Laura Henry. I recently got married on New Year's Eve. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio, while working in Dayton, Ohio. I have been working for the metropolitan planning organization, MVRPC for almost 10 years. Prior to joining MVRPC, I worked in media sales. Established in 1964, MVRPC is celebrating 60 years of service. MVRPC performs planning and research functions for our Region that ensure livable and equitable communities; clean air and water; robust roadway, transit, and active transportation options; and strategic community plans that chart the course for member communities and partners. The area served by MVRPC are the counties of Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby Counties and northern Warren County. 

What brought you to TDM and how did you get involved in the field?
I would say I fell into TDM because I applied to work at MVRPC in the marketing department. The agency's marketing department is in charge of promoting the TDM program. The TDM program has become one of my favorite parts of my job. It allows me to help people by working directly with community members and businesses to improve how they commute in our region.

Why did you get involved in ACT?
ACT was recommended to me as a way to learn more about TDM, explore best practices from other agencies and network with others to improve our program.

What has been the most memorable moment of your experience in ACT?

I was so honored to be named 40 Under 40 in 2021. That was such a wonderful acknowledgment of my work. I also love the conferences I have attended, especially the International Conference in Anaheim. I was even able to visit Disneyland for the first time after the conference.

What would you tell someone thinking about becoming a member of ACT?

It is a great way to learn about TDM, but it is important to join the councils and participate in webinars and conferences to get the most from your membership. Exchange contact information with as many people as you can and keep in touch with them.

What do you see as future opportunities and/or challenges for TDM?

As more people search for ways to improve the environment, TDM programs can help provide those ideas and opportunities.