Vanpool Council


The Vanpool Council of the Association for Commuter Transportation addresses and shares information related to vanpools, vanpool programs, public-private partnerships for delivery of vanpool services, contracting, program management, customer services, and promotional issues, among other topics.

The council has four workgroups that help address specific issues and concerns of the council members:

  • Communications – providing vanpool-related materials to ACT for social media, newsletters, etc.
  • Directory – collecting data/key performance indicators from vanpool programs
  • International Conference Sessions – coordinating vanpool-specific training sessions for the annual conference, professional development sessions, or other training venues
  • Public Policy –  reviewing public policy initiatives, and advocating for vanpool related issues


Policy brief: Buy America & Vanpooling

November 2023 

Meetings & Events

Council Members Meeting - In Person!
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
4:15 - 5:15pm MT
In-person at the 38th Annual International Conference in Denver, CO, August 4 - 7, 2024. 
Vanpool Council Resources

Vanpool Council Leaders

  • Michelle Althoff
    Michelle Althoff
    Group Commute Manager Commute with Enterprise
  • Angie Wilkie
    Angie Wilkie
    Vanpool Program Coordinator Valley Metro 602-999-9207
    Vice Chair
  • Kyle McPherson
    Kyle McPherson
    Sr. Vanpool Coordinator Intercity Transit (360)705-5848