TDM Excellence

The Association for Commuter Transportation’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Excellence Awards honors outstanding performance and leadership in TDM by organizations.  Award categories represent a range of sectors, including employers, hospitals, higher education, and municipalities, MPOs, transportation providers, and technology companies.

The Excellence Awards shine a spotlight on the most exceptional examples of TDM leadership and implementation and recognize the commitment of the organization to use TDM as an important strategy to improve the lives of commuters, enhance the livability of communities, and strengthen the economic competitiveness of businesses. 

Nominations can be made by ACT members.  The selection of Excellence Award winners is made by ACT’s Executive Committee. 

Nominations are open for 2024! Learn more and complete a submission by Friday, August 30 at the link below.

Nomination form

Congratulations to the 2023 awardees!

Agile Mile: Technology & Innovation
City of Fort Collins: Municipality
Commute with Enterprise: Transportation Provider
Oregon Metro: Metropolitan Planning Organization
Sony Pictures Entertainment: Employer
University of California, Los Angeles: Higher Education 

2022 awardees

Employer: Google
University: Stanford University
MPO: Atlanta Regional Commission
Municipality: Washington, DC
Transportation Provider: WeDriveU
TDM Innovation & Technology: RideAmigos
Advocacy: Veronica Jarvis
Public Service: Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR)

2019 Excellence Award Honorees

Employer: Microsoft

Transit: Capital Metro

University: Oregon Health Sciences University

Small Government: RTC Washoe County, NV

Large Government: City of Seattle, WA

2018 Excellence Award Honorees

Employer: Intuit

Transit: GoTriangle

University: Colorado State University

Small Government: City of Santa Monica, CA

Large Government: City of Austin, TX

2017 Excellence Award Honorees

Employer: Genentech

Transit: King County Metro

University: The Ohio State University

Small Government: Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission, Roanoke Valley, VA

Large Government: City of San Francisco

2016 Excellence Award Honorees

Employer: The Walt Disney Company

Hospital: Seattle Children’s Hospital

University: Harvard University

Small Community (under 200,000 people): City of Boulder, CO

Large Community (over 200,000 people): Arlington County, VA