Public Policy

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Learn about the latest surrounding the launch of ACT's Reauthorization Working Groups, the recent SCOTUS Chevron ruling, ACT PAC, and more.

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In May, California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed cutting $600 million from the state’s Active Transportation Program, which funds pedestrian and...

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Read about a recent budget California budget debate surrounding Active Transportation and how ACT's NorCal and SoCal Chapters responded.

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Learn about a recent change to tariffs on certain products from China (including some transportation-related items) and a newly proposed Act in...

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Following ACT's recent TDM policy win, we're working to set up an Airport Work Group. Learn more and find out how to get involved in this article.

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Learn how you can take policy action for TDM Week.

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Learn more about the importance of demonstrating to both the electorate and elected officials that ACT’s 1600+ members are making their voices heard.

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Read this edition of ACT's Policy newsletter to learn about input on California's budget debate, the Domestic Bicycle Production Act, and more.

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Curious about where to begin with TDM Week proclamations? Check out this article for advice about engaging with your elected officials.

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The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 passed on May 16 with an ACT-championed provision included. Read here to learn more about this exciting TDM...

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On April 19, Zach Calderón made his inaugural visit to DC as ACT’s new Government Affairs & Policy Manager. While there, he and...

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Learn the latest about the FAA Reauthorization bill, an ACT update from DC, and more in this month's policy newsletter

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