Member spotlight: Kendall Tiffany

Member Spotlights,

Kendall Tiffany is a Transit Marketing Specialist at Loudoun County Transit and Commuter Services and the Vice President of ACT's Chesapeake Chapter. In the August member spotlight, learn more about Kendall's industry experience, current role, and insight into the future of TDM. 

Please introduce yourself and your organization.

I've worked for Loudoun County for eight months but have worked in TDM for nearly eight years. Loudoun County Transit and Commuter Services is a division of the Department of General Services within Loudoun County Government in Northern Virginia. We provide local transit, paratransit, and commuter bus service in Loudoun County as well as commuter assistance and employer outreach services.

What brought you to TDM and how did you get involved in the field? 

I sort of "fell" into TDM. My Bachelor's Degree is in sustainability and my Master's Degree is in marketing and I was looking for something that meshed the two together. A communications position opened in Frederick County, Maryland's Transit Division and I took a chance on it. My director at the time told me she couldn't teach me marketing but she would teach me everything I needed to know about transportation and the rest is history! TDM has been the perfect mesh of my degrees and I truly enjoy it.

Why did you get involved in ACT? 

My previous employer was a member of the organization as a transit agency so I was able to utilize the resources ACT offers within that membership. I was asked to join our local chapter board in 2018 as the Secretary and am now the Vice President of the Chesapeake Chapter.

What has been the most memorable moment of your experience in ACT? 

I have thoroughly enjoyed joining our chapter's board. It has allowed me to connect with our members on a personal level, learn more about our regional transportation network, and has expanded my professional connections in TDM nationally. I have also enjoyed all of the ACT Conferences that I've attended.

What would you tell someone thinking about becoming a member of ACT? 

Do it! Whether you are brand new to TDM or have years of experience, your membership will be worth it. You'll get an incredible network of professionals, new innovative ideas for your programs, and much more!

What do you see as future opportunities and/or challenges for TDM?

This industry and organization has great opportunity for growth! A good transportation network is critical for access to healthcare, employment, food, education, etc. and we can all work to continue to improve that in our jurisdictions. A current challenge we are facing and one that I foresee continuing in the industry is the hybrid work schedule and encouraging behavior change in non-SOV travel when only commuting to work one or two days a week.