Telework / Alternative Work Arrangements Council


The Telework/AWA (Alternative Work Arrangements) Council is composed of employer representatives, regional transportation, air quality, and planning officials, as well as state and local government officials. The Telework/AWA Council serves members through periodic conference calls for information sharing, articles in TDM Review, sessions at the annual conference, testimony or policy memos to government agencies, and liaisons with other organizations.

The Council addresses and shares information related to telework as an alternative form of commuting for today’s evolving work force. Telework reduces congestion and improves air quality while also reducing energy dependence. Issues addressed by the Council include regional training programs, work place issues, local policies, and technology trends and developments.

Meetings & Events

Council Members Meeting - In Person!
Monday, August 5, 2024
3:45-4:45pm MT
In-person at the 38th Annual International Conference in Denver, CO, August 4 - 7, 2024. 
Q4 Council Meeting
Thursday, November 21
2:00 - 3:00pm ET
Telework/AWA Resources
Council Online Community Council Library

Telework/AWA Council Leaders

  • Allie Velleca, TDM-CP
    Allie Velleca, TDM-CP
    TDM-CP TDM Project Manager AECOM
  • Robin Mack
    CEO Mack Global LLC
    Vice Chair
  • Stacy Newcomer
    Stacy Newcomer
    TDM-CP Deputy Project Manager AECOM