General News,
In June, ACT's Executive Director sent an email to all members, which stated: “ACT stands in support of equality and justice for all. As an industry we look to expand transportation options for all users and we look to build a transportation system that serves every member of society no matter the color of their skin, their abilities, or their economic status. As TDM professionals, we cannot permit discrimination within our programs and services and in no way should we allow for discrimination to go unchecked in the world around us.”

As a result, 63 ACT members representing all chapters, including six members of the Board of Directors, volunteered to serve on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Task Force to explore and recommend opportunities and initiatives to ensure that ACT is an inclusive community for all TDM professionals.  The Task Force began its work at the end of June. 

Quickly, the Task Force broke into 3 smaller work groups to focus on:

  • Defining D, E, & I, and ways ACT can be more inclusive (Conference presenters, leadership ladders, etc.).  Led by David Sorrell.
  • Defining the D, E, & I committee – what would the charter/mission be, would the committee need sub-groups that focus on certain work tasks, who would participate, etc. Led by Shuchi Gupta.
  • Developing & administering a survey for ACT members to determine a baseline, and needs for D, E, & I efforts.  Led by Heather Salem.

After several months and hours and hours of work, the Task Force proposed two motions for the Board of Directors to consider at their November 9th meeting:

  1. Motion 1: Establish a formal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  2. Motion 2: Adopt a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

The Board voted unanimously to pass both motions.  The work of the “Task Force” is now officially concluded (with one exception, as the Survey Work Group will continue to meet to review and analyze the survey data). 

But please know our D, E, & I work is not done.  We are now accepting statements of interest to serve on ACT's new Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.  If you would like to continue to be part of this effort, please consider submitting an application. Statements are due December 18, 2020.

We would like to personally thank all of the Task Force members and work group leaders for the hours and hours and hours of hard work, the sharing, the efforts and the commitment to making the D, E, & I Task Force so successful in its efforts.